1.- Unzip the the zipped files on C:
1.1 Mb200 Flashfile : mb200fls.rar - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
1.2 RSD Lite 4.9 : RSD Lite 4.9.rar - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
1.3 Root MB200 : Rootmb200.zip - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download (Or using Z4root)
1.4 MB200SD File : mb200sd.rar - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
1.5 Astro File Manager : ASTRO_File_Manager_2.5.2.rar - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
2.- You will need a micro sd card to put into the phone to unlock, need
to load in to microsd card the 2 files that are in MB200sd folder,
after unzipped files and MB200sd files loaded in microsd card, put
micro sd card to phone, in Phone menu go to Settings, Aplications,
Unknowresourses, and click it (activate), go now to Development and
activate too USB Debug,
3.- With battery full charge, connect the phone to PC with Original usb
cable and Flash it with Flash file using RDS Lite program.
4.- After Flash with phone power on, create a Blur account
5.- Go to MB200root folder and run Superoneclick.exe program and click
on Root button, ptogram will ask you if you have and OS higher than
2.0 you click yes and let to program finish (success)
6.- After root phone install instalarapp.bat file, (file is in the MB200root folder too)
7.- Reboot the phone, go to installed App, (better Terminal) and choose
the NOT NOW option, the scree will appears like Dos OS, click with
your finger on screen and will see the Keyboard, write SU and click
enter, will ask you if confirm to be a SUPER USER, click allow, then
the $ will change for #, after the # write the follow:
Insmod /sdcard/memdump.ko ENTER
Check well between insmod and /sdcard have one space
If there is any mistake go to phone home page and like if you are going
to make a call writhe the follow: #073887* and will ask for unlock
code, just put 12345678 click UNLOCK and ready, enjoy your Unlocked