Make sure you are using the correct sbf file for your device. There are many different sbf files for the DroidX going around and if you use the wrong sbf file, your phone could be bricked permanently. I am not aware of the status of other device sbf files so please do the research to find out if your device has a similar situation. As more devices include a locked bootloader, this will become more widespread. The following sbf files exist for the different DroidX versions
2.1 or leaked 2.2 (Motorola version 2.3.15) -
If you are running 2.1 or one of the leaked versions of 2.2 (Motorola version 2.3.15 or any lower than .15), you did not upgrade your bootloader or kernel, you can use the 2.1 sbf (The_Gift). The bootloader version that the 2.1 sbf can be used for is 30.01. If you use the 2.2 official (Motorola version 2.3.15) sbf, you will be upgraded to the new kernel but not the bootloader and will not be able to get back to the 2.1 versions
2.2 OTA (Motorola version 2.3.15) -
If you are running 2.2 OTA (Motorola version 2.3.15), you have upgraded your bootloader and kernel. The bootloader version is 30.03 and you can not use the 2.1 sbf. It will brick your device.
2.2 OTA (Motorola version 2.3.15)
There is also a system only 2.2 (Motorola version 2.3.15) sbf. This does not change your bootloader or kernel but I am unsure of it's results if used on a 2.1 device. I would not risk it.
2.2.1 (Motorola version 2.3.320)
There is also a new leak for 2.3.320 which includes a new update to the kernel and bootloader. It will upgrade your bootloader to 30.04 and you can't revert back to 2.3.15 after using. Their is a system only sbf for this leak that should only be used with the 30.04 bootloader. Consult this thread for more info.
New Full SBF for Droid X - 2.3.340 - MyDroidWorld
2.2.1 (Motorola version 2.3.320)
There is now a full sbf that should only be used with the 30.04 bootloader. Consult this thread for more info
Droid X: 2.3.32 Full SBF - MyDroidWorld
2.2.1 (Motorola version 2.3.340)
There is now a full sbf that should only be used with the 30.04 bootloader. Consult this thread for more info.
TBH & MyDroidWorld Strikes Back: 2.3.320 update **Must be rooted** - MyDroidWorld
To access your bootloader on the DroidX, press the volume down + camera + power at the same time and hold. You should see a flash and then you can release. Then the bootloader will be displayed.
All of the below information was gathered while troubleshooting issues with my DroidX and my computer running Windows 7 x64. Some have contacted me saying this has helped them with other devices and OS versions so it may help you even if you are not running Windows 7 x64 or using a Droid
RSDLite on Windows 7 x64 is extremely uncooperative. Many have had problems and eventually use XP, another computer, or Linux to SBF so I thought I would post all of the fixes to try in one place. Hopefully the mods will see fit to put this in a sticky.
I have grouped this into the most common symptom/solution relationship I have seen from the 100+ posts I have read on this. If you have other solutions, symptoms, or relationships that I missed, let me know and I will be glad to add them. These are only the ones that I have seen personally and seen the most of in the forums.
If your device is not present in RSDLite
Make sure you are using the latest version of RSDLite (4.9 at this time) with a minimum of 4.7 with patch.
Make sure you have the latest drivers for your system (x64 or x86).
Run RSDLite as an administrator. Set this on the executable in the RSDLite directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Motorola\RSDLite\SDL.exe)
If your "Start" button in RSDLite is disabled:
Use a short name for the sbf file. I named by "X" which comes in handy later.
Try placing the sbf file in different locations. The root of C:\ seems to have the best success while others have had luck with their My Documents folder.
Run RSDLite as an administrator. Set this on the executable in the RSDLite directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Motorola\RSDLite\SDL.exe).
[B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Flash process fails generating the following type of errors
15:39:54, November 18, 2010
Line: 475
ERROR: Not enough image files created
File: D:\GitProjects\hdt_windows_flash\flash\code\flashd ll\pst_fp_flashfilemi.cpp
Device ID: 0
Go into the directory you installed RSD Lite (for Win7 x64 the default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Motorola\RSD Lite\) and look for a file that starts with "FlashErrorLog" (if multiple exist, use the last modified). If you see the above mentioned error, the only fix I have seen is to do the following:
Uninstall RSDLite and all Motorola drivers
Re-download all files (RSDLite, Motorola drivers, and sbf
Install the latest version of RSDLite (currently 4.8)
Install the latest drivers for your system (x64 or x86).
Run RSDLite as an administrator. Set this on the executable in the RSDLite directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Motorola\RSDLite\SDL.exe for Win7 x64).
Use a short name for the sbf file. I named by "X" which comes in handy later.
Try placing the sbf file in different locations. The root of C:\ seems to have the best success while others have had luck with their My Documents folder.
- Flash process fails immediately with error "Failed Flashing process. (0x7100)"
RSDLite has a bug that will cause the flash process to fail. I found the answer on these forums after weeks of searching so I will quote the OP and link to the original post. Please thank the OP if this helps you.
View original post
If you get "Failed Flashing process. (0x7100)" in RSD Lite - Android Forums
To determine if this bug is your problem, go into the directory you installed RSD Lite (for Win7 x64 the default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Motorola\RSD Lite\) and look for a file that starts with "FlashErrorLog" (if multiple exist, use the last modified). Open it, and if you see something like this
ERROR: \\?\c:\SPRecovery_ESE81.sbfwtƒyoþÿÿÿ‚qawñrawðiµ was not found.
File: X:\test_dev_usb\flash\code\flashdll\PST_FP_FlashFi leIO.cpp
then you are experiencing this same bug that I had (looks like adr3nalin3 had this problem too). For those fellow programmers out there, looks like they are copying the filename into uninitialized memory and not explicitly adding the NULL terminator, meaning it's pure luck whether the filename is recognized or not. Since the uninitialized memory produces random results, this explains why people have had it work after restarting their computer, trying several times, using a different computer, etc. Hopefully if you follow my instructions below, you will be able to make it work right away.
[COLOR="rgb(255, 0, 255)"]If this is not what is causing you problem, try the previous troubleshooting. If it still doesn't work, look for the bug again. It is possible that on of the previous fixes mad the bug possible to show itself.[/COLOR]
Here are step by step instructions:
Go to the folder where you installed RSD Lite
Delete any files that start with "FlashErrorLog"
Right click on "SDL.exe" and click "Run As Administrator"
Move your recovery file to the root C:\ directory
Rename the recovery file to something short, like "r.sbf", so that you will have space left for the filename to overwrite the junk characters
Try flashing the file with RSD Lite - it will most likely fail, don't worry (if it works then good job, you are lucky )
In the RSD Lite folder, open the newly created FlashErrorLog... file
Count the number of junk characters after the real filename - for example if you have this error
ERROR: \\?\c:\r.sbfqawñraï was not found.
then the junk characters are "qawñraï" and there are 7 of them, so we are going to add 7 extra letters to the real filename
Rename the file to add the same number of letters/numbers as junk characters in the log file. In this case, we need to add 7, so change the filename to something like "r1234567.sbf" - make sure you add the characters BEFORE the file extension (".sbf"), not after!
Point RSD Lite to the renamed file, click Start, and it should work!
Note that some of the junk characters can't be displayed in the log, so there might actually be 8 of them when you can only see 7, etc. Just repeat the process from step 6, adding 1 character at a time (don't remove any), and it should work after a few tries.
Note that just making the filename really long won't work, you need to be precise so that you only overwrite the extra stuff, nothing more and nothing less.